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Selected Neutron Image of the Month
August 2023

July 2023
Conference and other news
ORNL have advertised a Materials and Engineering Postdoctoral Research Associate position in the Neutron Scattering Division. The work will focus on utilizing an advanced neutron imaging technique, neutron grating interferometry (nGI), to study nano-sized features in bulk materials. The job posting and application link is at https://jobs.ornl.gov/job/Postdoctoral-Research-Associate-Neutron-Scattering-Division/941766900/
The Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) have advertised a position for a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Applied Materials Group, Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging (LNS), in Villigen, Switzerland. For more info:
Aaron Craft informs that the IAEA have announced the "Training Workshop on the Advanced Use of Neutron Imaging for Research and Applications (AUNIRA)" to be held in Pelindaba, Pretoria, South Africa, 30 October to 3 November. For more information, contact Molly-Kate Gavello, email: M.Gavello@iaea.org.
IMAT, Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, U.K. is looking to fill two positions in the engineering and imaging group at the ISIS neutron and muon source..
Info at: Instrument Scientist – Imaging and diffraction - Careers Portal Careers
Closing date: 19th March 2023
Thomas Bücherl informs that the new issue of the NR newsletter has been published on the ISNR webpage.
The 2nd International Conference on Radiation Imaging and Nuclear Medicine ICSRI-2023 is scheduled for June 2023 in Setif, Algeria. For info: https://ocs.univ-setif.dz/ICSRI/ICSRI
The SCINT2022 conference covered scintillators for applications including neutron detection and imaging and was held from September 19 to 23, 2022, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A. For more details visit:
The 9th International Topical Meeting on Neutron Radiography (ITMNR-9) was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from October 17-21, 2022. Additional information can be found at: https://itmnr-9.sciencesconf.org/ and in the latest ISNR newsletter.
The 20th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT) will be in Incheon, Korea, May 27-31, 2024 Info at - https://20thwcndt.com/
More conference news from Aaron Craft. The MARC-XII (Methods & Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry) meeting was held April 3-8, 2022 in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. This international conference covered a broad array of topics centered around radiation applications and radioactive materials. Included was a Session on Neutron Imaging Technologies and Applications (Sessions 4C and 4D on the website). https://www.marcconference.org/
Session 4D. Neutron Imaging Technologies and Applications (Organized by Aaron Craft, Idaho National Laboratory, USA; Hassina Bilheux, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA; Pavel Trtik, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland; Burkhard Schillinger, Technical University, Munich, Germany; and Takenao Sinohara, J-PARC, Japan).
Aaron Craft drew everyone's attention to a Technical Meeting on Advances in Neutron Detectors for Neutron Scattering and Imaging Applications hosted by the IAEA to be held virtually via Cisco Webex from 30 August to 3 September 2021.
The purpose of the event was to review developments in neutron detectors for neutron scattering and neutron imaging applications, providing a platform for international cooperation and networking of future developments in these fields.
The IAEA announced the launch of a new Neutron Imaging E-Learning Course with registration being made via the IAEA Portal NUCLEUS.

Figure 2. 2D grayscale neutron and X-ray slices of 3D volume taken along the length of the electrode strip (z direction) from top to bottom
(A) Pristine and (B) XFC-cycled graphite electrode (9C for 450 cycles). The decreasing diameter and thickness of the outer glass capillary in the images from left to right in (A) is due to its funnel-like geometry. The grayscale bar on the right has arbitrary units (a.u.) and was created using 32 bit images in ImageJ.
Figure from the paper "Simultaneous neutron and X-ray tomography for visualization of graphite electrode degradation in fast-charged lithium-ion batteries" by Maha Yusuf, Jacob M. LaManna , Partha P. Paul, David N. Agyeman-Budu, Chuntian Cao, Alison R. Dunlop, Andrew N. Jansen, Bryant J. Polzin, Stephen E. Trask, Tanvir R. Tanim, Eric J. Dufek, Vivek Thampy, Hans-Georg Steinrück, Michael F. Toney and Johanna Nelson Weker published in Cell Reports Physical Science Volume 3, Issue 11, 16 November 2022, 101145.
This paper was published under the Creative Commons Attribution international Public Licence and permission for displaying this figure was given by Jacob LaManna.
Rolls-Royce tested their Gem helicopter engine on the 25m cold neutron beamline of the DIDO reactor at Harwell. Images were obtained at static and at idling speed and enabled changes of oil distribution in the rear bearing housing to be determined.
Ref: "Aero Engine Applications of Cold Neutron Fluoroscopy at Rolls-Royce Ltd" by P.A.E.Stewart, Proceedings of the First World Conference on Neutron Radiography, San Diego, Dec 1981.
The latest ISNR newsletter has now been published and is available at: www.isnr.de
Earlier NR Newsletters (1964 - 1977) : Compilation 1 and Compilation 2